Photo from 2011 / 2011相片
Draft from a current comic project / 漫畫草稿
This is the early experiment when I started to have an idea of the artwork “Those Stay“, the initial idea is to fade specific area of the family photos through sunshine / 這是開始對作品 “留在” 有些想法時的小實驗,最初的想法是用陽光把家庭照片曬得局部退色。
27/02/2020 “O! They come out again!” (draft) / “大家又出來呢!“ (草圖)
My Visual-cultural shock / 我的視覺文化衝擊
Plan to draw a short comic, yet still in the draft stage after starting it for months / 打算畫篇短漫畫,不過幾個月了還是在草圖階段
Sad face from a Hong Kong movie / 香港電影中的慘樣
My Visual-cultural shock / 我的視覺文化衝擊
My Visual-cultural shock / 我的視覺文化衝擊
How the pandemic affecting me…? / 疫情如何影響我…?
My Visual-cultural shock / 我的視覺文化衝擊
My Visual-cultural shock / 我的視覺文化衝擊
Testing! Handmade soft doll from used clothes / 試驗:二手衫作為材料的手造公仔